+39.346.671.56.01 info@midomet.com

What is the COOKIE POLICY?

A cookie is a small text file that sites save on your computer or mobile device when you visit them. Thanks to cookies, the site remembers your actions and preferences (e.g. login, language, font size and other display settings) so that you do not have to re-enter them when you return to the site or navigate from one page to another. To better understand information on what cookies are, what they are for and how they work, cookies can be divided into 5 categories:


These cookies, also called technical cookies, are essential as they allow you to move around the website and use its functions. Without these cookies, access to some parts of the site or the use of some services may be impossible.

2) Functional COOKIES

These cookies store the choices that have been made by the user on the website (such as the different searches he has made or the language he has chosen) and provide improved and more personalized functions. They can also be used to provide services that have been requested (such as viewing a video, a geographic map or posting comments on a blog).

3) Performance COOKIES

These cookies collect information on how the user uses the website (for example which pages he visits most often and if he receives error messages from the website pages). The information accumulated by these cookies is used only to improve the functioning of the website.
Some of these cookies are third-party cookies.

4) COOKIES for statistical purposes

These cookies are used to statistically analyze accesses/visits to the site (so-called "analytics" cookies) if they pursue exclusively statistical purposes and collect information in aggregate form. These cookies are generally third-party cookies.

5) Advertising or marketing COOKIES

These are cookies that are used to provide advertisements that are more suitable for the user and his interests.
They are also used to reduce the number of times a user sees an advertising message and help verify the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. These cookies are generally third-party cookies. No personal data of users is acquired by the site for this purpose. The session cookies used on this site avoid the use of other IT techniques that are potentially detrimental to the privacy of users' browsing and do not allow the acquisition of personal identifying data of the user.

what are cookies used for?

We use cookies and other data stored on your device to:
Provide you with a better online experience
Allow you to set personal preferences
Protect your security
Evaluate and improve our service
Collaborate with partners and measure marketing performance

What information is
retained by cookies?

A cookie generally contains:
The name of the site you came from
How long the cookie will remain installed on your computer or tablet/smartphone device
A value, usually a number, generated randomly

How long do
cookies stay on
your computer?

Session cookies: These cookies remain only until the browser is closed. They are not stored on your hard drive. They are usually used to keep track of the pages you visit so that information can be personalized for you for that visit.

Permanent cookies: are stored on your hard drive until they are deleted or reach their expiration date. These can, for example, be used to remember your preferences when you use the site.

How do cookies
affect your privacy?

You can visit our website without revealing any personal information.

We protect your personal information very carefully. The safety and security of your personal data is very important to us.

Each user can deactivate/activate cookies from their device through their internet browser. If cookies are not enabled on a user's device, their experience on our website may be limited. By browsing our site and not disabling cookies through your browser, you express your consent to the placement of cookies on your device.

How to disable or enable cookies?

You can deactivate/activate cookies from your device through your internet browser. Below are indications of how you can manage cookies on your computer through some of the main internet browsers. For information on how to manage cookies on your tablet and/or mobile phone, please consult your documentation or online help files.

Google Chrome: In the settings menu, select "show advanced settings" at the bottom of the page. Select the "content settings" button in the privacy section. The section at the top of the page that appears next explains cookies and allows you to select the cookies you want. It also allows you to delete any cookies currently stored.

Mozilla Firefox: In the tools menu, select "options". Select the "privacy" button in the "options" folder. From the drop-down menu choose "history settings". This will show you the options for cookies and you can choose to enable or disable them by clicking on the box.

Internet Explorer 6+: on the menu bar, select "internet options". Click on the "privacy" button. You will see a privacy settings slider that has six settings that allow you to control the number of cookies that will be placed: Block All Cookies, High, Medium High, Medium (default level), Low, and Accept All Cookies.

Safari browser: In the settings menu, select "preferences" option. Open the privacy section. Select the option you want from the "block cookies" section.

All other browsers: For information on how to manage cookies through other browsers, consult your documentation or online files for help.

To not receive Google Analytics cookies, visit the page: https://tools.google .com/dlpage/gaoptout/

monitoring and

This website uses a Web Analytics service provided by Google. The measurement system can make use of "cookies", small text files that are stored on the browser's PC to allow anonymous analysis of how the site is used. The completely anonymous information stored in cookies is: date and time of access to the site, unique ID, session ID. This data is sent to Google servers where the Google Analytics software has been installed to prepare reports relating to the methods of use of this website, web marketing activities, as well as to provide the navigator with functionality and interaction during navigation. Google may transfer this information to third parties who process data on its name and behalf, or if this is required by mandatory rules. It is possible to disable cookies from your PC at any time by changing the Security and Privacy settings on your browser, but this option could limit many of the site's navigation features. The complete information, provided pursuant to art. 13 Legislative Decree n. 196/03, is available on http://www.google.it/intl/it/policies/ . By continuing to browse this site, you declare that you have read the information pursuant to art. 13 Legislative Decree n. 196/03 and express informed consent to the processing of your personal data by Google, in the manner and for the purposes indicated above.

further information

To learn more about the legislation go to the website of the Privacy Guarantor

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