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EU water directive

Water is essential for life: it is an essential resource for humanity that generates and supports economic and social prosperity, as well as being a central element of natural ecosystems and climate regulation, the Water Framework Directive The European Union (EU) preserves hydrological basins

The European Union (EU) Water Framework Directive, adopted in 2000, introduces a pioneering approach to protecting water resources based on natural geographical formations: river basins. Furthermore, it establishes precise deadlines and sets 2015 as the deadline by which all European waters must be in good condition.

European waters are under pressure. Freshwaters are under increasing stress due to activities economic, population growth and urbanization across Europe.
Without stronger action, 47% of EU surface water will not achieve good environmental status by the 2015 deadline.
About 25% of groundwater is in poor chemical condition due to human activities.
The chemical status of 40% of surface water is unknown, demonstrating that monitoring in many Member States is inadequate.
The 2012 Blueprint for Safeguarding Europe's Water Resources identifies obstacles to better water management, offers concrete solutions and sets the EU water policy agenda for the years to come.

The Water Framework Directive is
complemented by other more specific European standards:

The Environmental Quality Standards Directive (2008)

The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008)

The Floods Directive (2007)

The Directive on groundwater (2006)

The Bathing Water Directive (2006)

The Drinking Water Directive (1998)

The Urban Waste Water Directive (1991) )

The Nitrates Directive (1991)

Data no. 1:
In Europe, water is
under pressure

Everyone needs water, not just for drinking, we use water to generate and support economic growth and prosperity through activities such as agriculture, commercial fishing, energy production, manufacturing, transport and tourism .
Water is also a central element of natural ecosystems and climate regulation.

However, the availability of water resources is particularly vulnerable to climate change. Scientists fear an increased risk of both drought and floods in the coming decades. Overall demand for water is increasing, putting pressure on available supplies.
At the same time, the quality of water resources is threatened by pollution, excessive extraction and hydromorphological changes due to activities industrial, agriculture, urban development, flood defense measures, electricity production, navigation, recreational activities, wastewater discharge and more.

Data no. 2
EU action is needed because river basins and pollution cross borders: the best approach to water management is based on river basins

Rivers do not stop at national borders, but flow through various countries before reaching the sea. All EU member states, except islands such as Cyprus and Malta, share waters with neighboring countries. A hydrographic basin (or catchment area) covers the entire river system, from the sources of the small tributaries to the estuary, including groundwater.
The EU and its member states have divided river basins and their coastal areas into 110 river districts, 40 of which are international and cross borders, covering around 60% of Europe's territory

Management integrated watershed management provides a holistic approach to the protection of the entire body of water, from the source to the tributaries, up to the mouth.
River basin-based is the best approach to water management.

The Water Framework Directive requires Member States to develop river basin management plans to safeguard each of the 110 river basin districts.

All the resources just mentioned and the article on this page reports a document made available by the European Union, in which below we provide you with the original document published by them

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