The importance of innovation to optimize the use of water resources was recently underlined by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella on the occasion of the "Water and Climate" summit in Rome. The great rivers of the world compared".
In line with the paradigm of
Industry 4.0
A vision in line with the application of the Industry 4.0 paradigm, i.e. the use of the most effective combinations of technologies to create an integrated and interconnected system, within which plants, people and information systems interact and dialogue with each other to improve the quality of services and the lives of citizens.
SPL in the center
of this project
of development for
make City and
urban environments
We need to become aware that cities and urban environments cannot be fully smart if local public services are not placed at the center of this development plan. Local public services are in fact the first vector of this change. Already today, technological innovation and the Internet of Things (IoT) find multiple connections and countless application possibilities by utilities.
The potential of innovation in the water sector
Water is among the SPL
with the majors
potential of
application of
Among local public services, the water service ranks among the top positions in terms of potential for applying innovations1; this is both due to the need for precise knowledge of the infrastructures and their modernization2, and for the efficiency gains that can be obtained.
Knowledge of
infrastructure e
of performances
Innovation processes pass through the technological renewal of infrastructures and connection to computer networks, allowing for improved performance in service management. Examples of this are smart metering and smart grids. Knowledge and
the census of infrastructures through investments in new technologies for measuring and mapping the state of infrastructures is today an essential ingredient of an industrial development project in the sector, as it is the basis of investment planning and preparatory to the rationalization of infrastructures and their efficient management.
Rational use of
natural resources
There is also the important issue of the development of innovative technologies and processes for optimal use and protection of natural resources (from the efficient use of water resources in the collection and distribution phase, to the treatment of wastewater, up to the reuse of water purified and gods
sewage sludge).
Important benefits can also derive from the implementation of strategies aimed at the energy efficiency of plants and networks, promoting energy recovery where possible and economically convenient, with the related reduction of emissions and contribution to decarbonisation.
Since water is an energy intensive service, where expenditure on electricity affects between 11% and 26% of production costs, the margins for improvement are large, as is the space for introduce and experiment with innovation; this both at the level of technologies to reduce the energy consumption of the systems, and to optimize the volumes of transported water resources, and for the self-production of electricity in the aqueduct and purification segments.
They remain
however different
obstacles to the innovation
However, despite the great potential and the presence of technologies that allow rapid return on investments (from a few months to 5 years4), barriers remain that hinder the adoption of good practices and technological innovation.
IoT and Industry 4.0 represent important opportunities to support
The Internet of Things and the Industry 4.0 revolution therefore represent an important opportunity for the management of water networks.
However, a concrete commitment to actions is needed to support innovation and remove obstacles to change.
All the resources just mentioned and the article on this page reports an article by laboratorio ref. research, in which below we provide you with the original document published by them