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technical quality:

Robust and feasible route

The launch of the regulation of technical quality will allow us to overcome the daily "emergency" approach and re-establish an action strategy based on the planning of interventions. A path in which it is necessary to define the quantities, establish the measurement and estimation criteria, select the most significant indicators.

the role of technical quality in investment planning

The water infrastructure needs
better planning which must be oriented towards the pursuit of technical
quality objectives

Regulating the technical quality of the Integrated Water Service is a fundamental step from a planning perspective, especially since the planned investments still seem inadequate to meet the needs of modernization and development of the Italian water infrastructure.
High temperatures and the strong reduction in rainfall caused widespread situations of water scarcity in 2017, demonstrating a need emerging primary supply system, the extent of which is not yet fully known. Some data can help summarize the infrastructural delay. 36% of the aqueduct network is aged between 31 and 50 years and 22% is even older than 50 years. The situation becomes alarming if we consider that only a limited number of managers, who serve just 36% of the population, have been able to document the age of the networks, suggesting that the state of the country's water infrastructure may be even worse. critical of what has been known and photographed to date by the statistics made available. If we focus on the aqueduct, placed under stress during last summer's drought, it emerges that over 90% of all interventions dedicated to it are unplanned, demonstrating that the sector is a "prisoner" of actions of an extraordinary nature, intended for the repair of faults and breakages and not for the development and safety of the system.

Too often interventions are a response to an emergency and not the result of planning

A deficit situation which is confirmed by the very low values of the replacement rates of the networks, lower than those considered necessary for the correct restoration of the infrastructures: the annual replacement rate is equal to 0.42%, a rate five times lower than what necessary, i.e. consistent with a useful life of 50 years. In terms of spending, convergence to the desired replacement rates would require an outlay of around 1.2 billion more/year (currently around 300 million euros/year are spent). One of the main consequences is a high level of losses, equal to a total of 42% of the volumes entering distribution1. If this is an unflattering picture on the supply side, the situation appears almost paradoxical considering that the areas with the greatest investment needs are concentrated in purification (29% of planned interventions) and sewerage (25% of planned investments), i.e. in those segments which are the subject of infringement procedures for failure to comply with obligations deriving from community legislation on waste water treatment.

Regulating technical quality can help guide choices and define intervention priorities

There is therefore an urgent need for a return to planning which cannot ignore the introduction of a regulation of technical quality, lacking up to now, which by identifying parameters and quantities is able to guide priorities, hierarchising the uses of resources and which, with an adequate system of rewards/penalties, can also incentivize a path of growth and convergence, also taking into account the objectives to be pursued in terms of energy efficiency which allow the benefits deriving from the adoption of new industrial automation technologies to be reaped.

For each of the essential characteristics a set of essential indicators can be developed

By way of example, with reference to the first of the essential characteristics, i.e. the quality of the "incoming and outgoing" water resource, which in AEEGSI's intentions would represent not only an essential priority but also the prerequisite for accessing any reward mechanisms, it will be necessary to select indicators capable of evaluating:
The drinkability characteristics of the water supplied to users, in addition to what is already postulated by national legislation;
The qualitative characteristics of the waste water (concentration of pollutants) that are discharged, improved compared to what is required by law;
The qualitative characteristics of the sludge resulting from the purification activity which, based on their fate (recovery of resources or final disposal) can be classified as by-products or waste;
The effects of purification activity on the environment, in terms of emissions, including odorous ones, the latter aspect being particularly relevant in the case of treatment plants located in urban centres.

A fundamental indicator is the ratio between the number of cases of exceeding the limits and the cases in which the limits are respected (a % of compliance).
Based on the findings of compliance, the Authority will be able to evaluate whether the water service manager will have to implement improvement measures in order to ensure:
More adequate territorial control (for example on aqueduct and sewerage networks, on company wastewater and flood drains);
Better control (analysis) of the quality of water at intake, in supply and distribution networks, in water purification plants and purifiers.
The implementation of these measures is a strategic operation, which reserves difficulties deriving from the heterogeneity of the basins served, both due to geographical characteristics, urban planning, production vocation and territorial extension. The same can be said for the indicators linked to aspects of the quantity of the resource, energy efficiency and the management of by-products or waste.

All the resources just mentioned and the article on this page reports an article by laboratorio ref. research, in which below we provide you with the original document published by them

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