Utility companies, companies that provide electricity, gas and water services, are updating traditional meters with Smart Meters. These meters, through sensors, can be connected to devices called Remote Reading which read and transmit consumption directly to the institution. This new management method allows us to lower energy costs and improve service to consumers.
Le Utility Company, aziende che erogano i servizi di energia elettrica, gas e acqua, stanno aggiornando i tradizionali contatori con contatori Smart Meter. Questi contatori, attraverso dei sensori, sono collegabili a dei dispositivi detti di Telelettura che leggono e trasmettono i consumi direttamente all’ente. Questo nuovo metodo di gestione consente di abbassare i costi dell’energia e di migliorare il servizio ai consumatori.
difference between old and new counter
old counter
new counter
vecchio contatore
Your traditional water system has no possibility of detecting a leak, you receive visits from the reader and the reading is carried out manually, in case of absence of the reading a presumed one is carried out and the communication times are those of office. The high risk of consumption caused by water leaks does not save you money. Smart metering systems on the other hand allow extremely efficient and optimized management of consumption.
nuovo contatore
A remote reading system is made up of a set of technologies, in particular a Sensor, called a pulse emitter, which is connected to the mechanical meters and to an electronic device called < b>Datalogger (MiDoMet). The latter collects and stores consumption readings and sends the data via network (GSM/GRPS OR RADIO) to a remote management software system: "Energy Management".
Furthermore, remote reading offers its own smart service through MiDoMet Soft & Cloud to monitor your consumption directly remotely (find out more)