“WHERE THERE IS LIFE THERE IS BUSINESS” the radio program by the C.N.A. of Ferrara broadcast on Radio Dolce Vita hosted us during the broadcast.
We talked about the origins of MiDo, starting from the anecdote that triggered the spark that led us to invest in technologies for the intelligent monitoring of water consumption. We discussed the reason why we chose Ferrara as our operational headquarters and our “adventure within an adventure”, the project: “Factory Grisù”.
We talked about our experience and what we mean by smart technologies, but above all, we talked about how tough the challenge is for an entrepreneur who wants to constantly improve himself in order to offer the community the best of a product that is the result of creativity and ingenuity.
Finally, we addressed the issues of water losses, and in general what are the intelligent monitoring products that allow management bodies to manage their network more effectively and efficiently.
We discussed Smart Cities and in particular the new LPWAN LORA technologies, and the LoRa Gateway just installed inside Factory Grisu’, an experimental project that will help us project the city of Ferrara into an ideal Smart city.
This interview was an opportunity to talk about our adventure, to retrace some key moments, including the reasons why we chose Ferrara as our operational headquarters.
Above all, however, it was a pleasant way to remember the journey made so far, a journey made of dedication, passion and courage. Thanks to Stefano Ravaioli and Alberto Benazzi for their hospitality.
Here is the podcast:
Devo monitorare solo i miei consumi
Devo ripartire i consumi di acqua e/o calore di tutti i condomini
MiDoMet LoRa
Devo monitorare i contatori di un'area urbana
Devo monitorare serbatoi, pressione e livelli
Devo monitorare i consumi di grandi utenze
Devo monitorare solo i miei consumi
Devo ripartire i consumi di acqua e/o calore di tutti i condomini
MiDoMet Lora
MiDoMet LoRaWAN Gateway
Devo monitorare i contatori di un'area urbana
Devo monitorare serbatoi, pressione e livelli
Devo monitorare i consumi di grandi utenze