+39.346.671.56.01 info@midomet.com


The need was to insert a system for monitoring the flow rates (2 inputs) through two meters and the pressure of the actual service to the water supply of the Venice airport.

For the purpose:

• Allow the analysis and verification of volumes;

• Promptly identify anomalies, consumption, volumes and flow rates;

• Identify flow rates, pressures;

• Provide software for the management and display of monitored points, multi-access, multi-user.

Tombino installazione MiDoMet Special Venezia

MiDoMet Pressure and MiDoMet Pressure Probe: the solution was identified by installing

installazione MiDoMet Special Venezia

A MiDoMet Pressure (COD_PROD.: MD.PRE. connected to the pulse launchers of the meters present


And with the use of one of our piezometric sensors MiDoMet Pressure Probe.
In the event of the absence of a light point in the immediate circumstances the system has the characteristic of being self-powered with a duration of at least 60 months.

Being a self-powered system with an autonomy of at least 60 months, implementation was very simple, in fact for installation it was sufficient to fix the device to the wall together with its replaceable battery pack.

The housing inside the underground well, and in critical environmental conditions it was possible since all the equipment is IP68

Schema funzionamento sistema telelettura

Data sampling occurs, by default every hour, for a total of 24 readings per day. The reading is historicized within a 1 Mbit DataFlash memory (approximately 15,000 readings).

Every 24 hours, in the case of ordinary operation and without the occurrence of alarm situations, the data is sent to the management system via an integrated GPRS modem to allow analysis and verification.

The readings carried out by MiDoMet are time-referenced, i.e. each data is accompanied by the time:min.
The internal clock of MiDoMet is synchronized every 24 hours with the internet clock, during the communication phase with the server. The communication and/or acquisition frequency can be changed remotely and at any time via the cloud software. The acquisition of the new parameters occurs in the synchronization phase with the remote server.

Systems used:

MiDoMet Soft & Cloud (discover)

MiDoMet Pressure (discover)

MiDoMet Pressure Probe (discover)

istanbul escort
Telelettura Smart metering

Devo monitorare solo i miei consumi

Devo ripartire i consumi di acqua e/o calore di tutti i condomini

midomet lora + lorawan gateway

MiDoMet LoRa

Municipalizzata Utility company

Devo monitorare i contatori di un'area urbana

Devo monitorare serbatoi, pressione e livelli

Devo monitorare i consumi di grandi utenze


Devo monitorare solo i miei consumi (acqua, elettricità, calore)

Devo monitorare solo i miei consumi

Devo ripartire i consumi di acqua e/o calore di tutti i condomini


midomet lora + lorawan gateway

MiDoMet Lora
MiDoMet LoRaWAN Gateway

Devo monitorare i contatori di un'area urbana

Devo monitorare serbatoi, pressione e livelli

Devo monitorare i consumi di grandi utenze

Devo monitorare solo i miei consumi (acqua, elettricità, calore)
