293 million euros allocated by the MIT, as part of the Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (Pnrr), for investments in projects to reduce losses in water distribution networks and related digitalisation and infrastructure monitoring interventions.
This is a second tranche of funding: in total 900 million euros have been allocated for 33 interventions aimed at reducing losses of drinking water in the aqueduct network.
By December 31, 2024, approximately 45,500 kilometers of drinking water pipelines will be equipped with innovative instruments and control systems for locating and reducing leaks.
Promoting optimal management of water resources, while at the same time improving the quality of the service provided to citizens. The project envisages that by March 2026 these interventions will be extended to approximately 72,000 kilometers of pipelines.
Of the 33 projects selected, 19 concern the Northern and Central regions (for a total of 536 million euros) and 14 those of the South (for a total of 364 million euros).
Devo monitorare solo i miei consumi
Devo ripartire i consumi di acqua e/o calore di tutti i condomini
MiDoMet LoRa
Devo monitorare i contatori di un'area urbana
Devo monitorare serbatoi, pressione e livelli
Devo monitorare i consumi di grandi utenze
Devo monitorare solo i miei consumi
Devo ripartire i consumi di acqua e/o calore di tutti i condomini
MiDoMet Lora
MiDoMet LoRaWAN Gateway
Devo monitorare i contatori di un'area urbana
Devo monitorare serbatoi, pressione e livelli
Devo monitorare i consumi di grandi utenze