+39.346.671.56.01 info@midomet.com

remote reading system

MiDoMet is a cutting-edge remote reading system that allows you to monitor energy consumption (water, gas, heat distribution) via a self-powered wireless device

icona wireless

conscious consumption
and saving

MiDoMet is the flagship product of the MiDo company through which a smart metering system and cloud services for energy management are offered, MiDo offers a complete service, associating the SIM with the product and its communication costs for data transfer

REMOTE READING DEVICES for every monitoring need: consumption, levels, network pressures.

save easily with smart consumption

icona bussola

the energy crisis underway in the world has led to the passing of laws, especially in Europe, which incentivize savings and efficiency by promoting the world of smart technologies, the world of mechanical meters must become "smart< /b>” intelligent within a few years, consequently, they will have to be replaced by electronic devices.
Adapt to directive 155/08 of the Energy Authority which obliges the adoption of remote management and supply and consumption of water and gas

save easy with intelligent

The MiDo overcomes all the problems. We focused on the development of an industrialized product and a service capable of meeting the needs of this new market.

A cost-effective monitoring system, simple and quick to assemble, self-powered with a 10-year life cycle and above all equipped with intelligence. An innovative and effective product, which consequently responds to the needs of public bodies or small condominiums, allows you to constantly monitor consumption, improve waste control, detect losses in real time and above all to save.

At a competitive cost

Interoperability (Open Hardware):
It can be connected to any type of mechanical meter or sensor, wired or wireless

it is a self-powered device that does not require mains power

Low consumption:
It uses low-power technologies to
Self-sustaining with
battery life over 10 years

it is multi-input, i.e. up to 12 meters/sensors can be connected to a single device in the wired versions, and over 100 (up to 1200) in the radio interface version

our advantages
at a glance

savings on
management costs

savings on real consumption

detects: losses,
anomalies and thefts

energy balances

invoicing volumes
consumption time slots

more rational

integral monitoring
and control

quantifies the unaccounted for resource

istanbul escort
Telelettura Smart metering

Devo monitorare solo i miei consumi

Devo ripartire i consumi di acqua e/o calore di tutti i condomini

midomet lora + lorawan gateway

MiDoMet LoRa

Municipalizzata Utility company

Devo monitorare i contatori di un'area urbana

Devo monitorare serbatoi, pressione e livelli

Devo monitorare i consumi di grandi utenze


Devo monitorare solo i miei consumi (acqua, elettricità, calore)

Devo monitorare solo i miei consumi

Devo ripartire i consumi di acqua e/o calore di tutti i condomini


midomet lora + lorawan gateway

MiDoMet Lora
MiDoMet LoRaWAN Gateway

Devo monitorare i contatori di un'area urbana

Devo monitorare serbatoi, pressione e livelli

Devo monitorare i consumi di grandi utenze

Devo monitorare solo i miei consumi (acqua, elettricità, calore)
