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The success story of Acquedotto Lucano s.p.a.

Acquedotto Lucano manages the integrated water service in Basilicata. It deals with the collection of water and its treatment, the distribution of water in homes, the collection and treatment of the wastewater produced.

The managed area includes 130 municipalities, 591,338 inhabitants and 266,720 users through a system of infrastructures connected by more than < b>10616 kilometers of pipes between supply and distribution lines.

The Company also manages 578 works for the intake of surface and underground water, 174 purification plants, 126 lifting plants water supply, 105 sewerage lifting systems, 860 tanks, 2 drinking water purification systems and approximately 2000 public fountains.

With the water crisis which also affected Basilicata this year, the problem of recovering water resources and the possibility of monitoring consumption, in particular of large users, i.e. those industrial and commercial services that require the network to be served by large volumes of resources.

Acquedotto Lucano, already in 2012 identified some critical issues to be addressed, which could only be resolved with the with the aid of an appropriate remote reading and consumption monitoring system.

When we started with the experimental phase in 2012, the objectives to be achieved were the following:

• Invoice certain and not presumed consumption and above all invoice at a maximum frequency of two months, so to avoid invoices that do not correspond to actual consumption with the risk of increasing arrears;

• Constantly monitor consumption and technical anomalies;

• Have immediate objective data for any complaints from users with high consumption.

We chose to adopt the remote reading system MiDoMet Wired b>

The objectives have all been met, and currently the aqueduct, after 5 years of monitoring, can boast a consumption history, which can be consulted at any time by both the manager and the customer (the customer can also access remotely to its user data thanks to the help of a cloud software system made available).

The use of an intelligent monitoring system allows Acquedotto Lucano to be promptly alerted in the event of anomalies, thus making intervention by the operational centers immediate, with considerable saving time and wasted resources.

Customer “Porto Di Maratea”: after detecting night-time consumption lasting several days, the presence of a leak appeared clear from the analysis of the graph. Having smart metering available made it possible to immediately notify the customer who took steps to repair his leak, also obtaining an improvement in the service offered.


Example of installation on the user

Customer “ASI Consortium of Potenza”: the alert system has communicated the meter shutdown and/or failure to withdraw.
The operations center sent the employee who, having verified that the meter was stopped, proceeded to replace it.
If it is taken into account that the average consumption of this user is 170 mc daily, given that, in the absence of an intelligent system, the anomaly could have been ascertained even months later, or at subsequent reading, it is clear that the Company has been avoided a large economic loss.

Customer “ASP Basilicata S. Carlo Hospital “: The hospital's maintenance office communicated that, in their opinion, there was a discrepancy between the consumption recorded in their possession and that invoiced by the Company.
From a check of the daily graphs, however, it was clear that there was a constant anomalous consumption of 1 m3 even in the hours where consumption of 0 m3 was normally recorded, highlighting therefore the presence of a leak after the meter.

Article published in "Servizi a rete" number 6 of November-December 2016

Systems used:

MiDoMet Wired

istanbul escort
Telelettura Smart metering

Devo monitorare solo i miei consumi

Devo ripartire i consumi di acqua e/o calore di tutti i condomini

midomet lora + lorawan gateway

MiDoMet LoRa

Municipalizzata Utility company

Devo monitorare i contatori di un'area urbana

Devo monitorare serbatoi, pressione e livelli

Devo monitorare i consumi di grandi utenze


Devo monitorare solo i miei consumi (acqua, elettricità, calore)

Devo monitorare solo i miei consumi

Devo ripartire i consumi di acqua e/o calore di tutti i condomini


midomet lora + lorawan gateway

MiDoMet Lora
MiDoMet LoRaWAN Gateway

Devo monitorare i contatori di un'area urbana

Devo monitorare serbatoi, pressione e livelli

Devo monitorare i consumi di grandi utenze

Devo monitorare solo i miei consumi (acqua, elettricità, calore)
