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Water emergency in Italy.

Heat and drought, water losses of fifty percent. MiDo offers a solution.

The water emergency is a real urgency. Climate change, associated with the total immobility of a country that does not provide adequate updates to solve an increasingly serious problem, has caused a highly critical situation.
The problem has been dealt with in recent days, by Repubblica, which gave voice to the researchers of the Cnr-Isafom (Institute for Mediterranean agricultural and forestry systems). For them, this year's heat will not be sporadic and could last, as already happened 1000 and 2000 years ago.
"It is therefore necessary to intervene as soon as possible to counteract the negative effects on the availability of water resources", researcher Silvana Pagliuca explained to Repubblica. In essence, we need to improve water collection and distribution systems.

Italy's aqueducts are in bad shape. Our water networks are full of leaks. According to data from Utilitalia, (federation of 500 water, energy and environmental companies) the average percentage of leakage in our water pipes is 39%.

In Potenza, for example, yes they lose seven out of ten liters of water into thin air; in Ferrara 39% of that injected. (Source: Blue Book – study on data from the Utilitalia water service.) Madness if you think about the dramatic drought that has hit Italy. So while many Regions ask for a state of emergency, the paradox is that almost everywhere the aqueducts show their face: that of the sieve. Power, however, is only the tip of a reality that tells us how on average one liter of water out of every two is wasted. In many southern capitals, for example, the loss is over fifteen percentage points, the Italian average which is 38.2 percent. In comparison, the statement by the Minister of the Environment Gian Luca Galletti who in these hours launched the proposal to close the fountains in parks in Rome for a few days makes us smile. It's true that they "spill" water 24 hours a day and that would be a good sign. But the data obtained from the Blue Book analysis tell us that the situation is serious and that symbolic decisions are not enough.


A network of largely obsolete aqueducts through 54 operators distributes water to a population of 31 million inhabitants.

Investments of at least 5 billion per year would be needed for regeneration, repair and maintenance of the network, and for now necessary works.
The first step to recover unaccounted water and detect losses would be the remote reading of districting meters together with pressure measurement.

Districting consists in dividing a network into territorial districts as much as possible as homogeneous as possible, and has the aim of improving the management and maintenance of the network in order to:

- Identify and delimit areas with different piezometric levels
- Define tailor-made points to optimize the search for leaks
- Facilitate the determination of the water balance of a network
- Increase the quantity of water accounted for to users< br>- Isolate portions of the network in the event of breakages or pollution due to external causes

The introduction of smart technology is essential to support the management of these elements.
MiDoMet Pressure proposes solutions for measuring flow rates, pressures and as support for the creation of water districts. These monitoring systems allow you to obtain information on the status of a node or network and to intervene quickly if necessary. To constantly keep the pressure and volumes of the network under control, rely on MiDoMet Pressure.

Caso d'uso MiDoMet Wired

A success story
Over the years 2015 and 2016, the acquisition of MiDo technology made it possible to obtain:

- Recovery of water losses: one of the leaks detected produced an estimated saving of approximately 100,000 m3 of water resources

- A better service to citizens through more efficient control of the minimum pressure level in the network

- Lower costs per intervention

- Optimization of intervention times and employment of personnel

- Support for preventive and improvement planning of the network allowing the calibration of a hydraulic model of the water network.

The case was reported in the magazine “SERVIZI A RETE” in NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2016 issue.

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